ARHU Faculty Awarded Grand Challenges Grants
The grants fund $30 million to UMD faculty focused on groundbreaking, impactful research that will shape the future of our community, state, nation and world.
Minorities and Philosophy chapter started in the Philosophy Department
Philosophy Graduate student Javiera Perez-Gomez accepts tenure track position at Marquette University.
Julius Schoenherr gets tenure-track position.
The College of Arts and Humanities welcomes the new faculty cohort to the University of Maryland.
Fabrizio Cariani joins the Department of Philosophy in Fall 2020.
The fellowships fund an array of global student exchanges.
Paolo Santorio will join the Department of Philosophy in Fall 2019.
Moonyoung Song wins American Society for Aesthetics Postdoctoral Fellowship
Kelsey Gipe obtains fellowship in bioethics
22 faculty members from the College of Arts and Humanities have received promotion and/or tenure.