About the Department
July 27, 2021

The Department offers thriving undergraduate programs and a research-oriented PhD program.
In the Philosophy Department at the University of Maryland, we educate students in core areas of the discipline, helping them to theorize creatively and reason rigorously. We have particular strengths in ethics and political philosophy, in logic and philosophy of language, and in philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Our faculty reach across disciplines to work with computer scientists, economists, physicians, linguists, and psychologists at Maryland and across the globe. The Department has a thriving graduate program, recently placing our PhDs at top universities and companies in North America, Europe, and Asia. The Department houses both an undergraduate major in philosophy and a major in Politics, Economics, and Philosophy (PPE). Our majors pursue advanced degrees in law, medicine, and business, as well as in the sciences and the humanities. They enter a wide range of careers, including at non-profits, consulting firms, and software companies. We hope to see you on our campus in College Park, just a few miles from Washington D.C.