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Testudo formation in Oxford Studies in Metaethics

May 12, 2024 Philosophy

A young man with a beard and glasses, standing outside in a verdant landscape, smiling in a green shirt.

Harjit and Nick on necessity and stuff, in the moral domain.

Chapters 9 and 10 of the 19th issue of Oxford Studies in Metaethics, out in July 2024, are occupied by Terrapin talent, locked in a fortuitous Testudo Formation. Chaper 9 has Harjit Bhogal exploring "Moral Necessitism and Scientific Contingentism," asking why one might consider moral truths necessary and scientific truths contingent. In Chapter 10, Nick Laskowski finds space for the view that normative and non-normative truths may not be different objects, but different stuff, in "The Stuff that Matters."